Category Archives: iPhone Apps

iPhone Shot of the Day – 1/26/10

Nothing special…just today’s date. As many of you know, I like using the Tilt Shift Generator App for my iPhone. Well I decided to check out the creators website and to my amazement they have this same app available for you computer…FOR FREE! Check it out!


iPhone Shot of the Day – Pano

I finally downloaded a photo app that I’ve been looking at for a few months now; it’s called Pano. It allows you to automatically make panoramic photos using your iPhone. The app actually works very well…I gave it 5 stars.

Below is an example. I took this only using 3 photos…you can make panos using up to 13 pics! That’s crazy!

My Favorite iPhone Photo/Camera App

Like most people with iPhones, I’m loving the apps. I usually buy games and utilities (Implode and Yelp are my faves) but I’ve also downloaded a few decent photo apps.

The absolute best camera/photo app in the app store is TiltShift Generator by Art & Mobile. I LOVE this app! I definitely use this app more than any other app on my phone. This app allows you to do several things.

1. Basic Adjustments – You can adjust brightness, saturation, and contrast…three key parts of a photograph. The only things I wish they would add are sharpness, exposure, and maybe curves and levels adjustments.

2. Lens Vignette – There’s nothing better than the look of a nice vignette on my images. That classic old B&W images with a subtle vignette rocks. This app allows you to adjust the amount of vignette applied with a simple to use slider.

3. Lens Blur – This is the apps bread and butter. Lens blur can be applied in either a circular or straight line filter. The amount of blur applied is controlled by the slider but you can also control feathering by pinching like you would to zoom in and out of an image.

My ONLY complaint is I haven’t been able to get an image to look anything close to something I would get using a true tilt shift lens. The funny thing is, this doesn’t matter to me because the images produced by this app look amazing and it is WELL WORTH the $0.99. Go download this app NOW!

TiltShift Generator